Don’t click these. They will make your heart too sad.
11 Dogs Whose Rain Game is on Point
The long cold winter is setting in, and we know that means one thing… rain, and lots of it! It’s time you dust off your rain coats, wellie boots, and …
Dog & Baby Have Identical Reaction to Seeing Dad Come Home
Do you remember when dad coming home from work was the most exciting part of the day? Well, if it wasn’t exactly that for you, these guys sure do think it’s great!
Lazy Labrador Doesn’t Want To Go For A Walk
All dog owners will know that walkies is a strange time – sometimes your furry friends will be so excited you can’t get their lead on, and sometimes they’ll be completely uncooperative and lazy.
But this cute Labrador took it one step further and just refused to move at all.
What a cheeky little blighter.