Don’t click these. They will make your heart too sad.
5 Reasons Why Dogs Are Better Than Cats
Ok, let’s make some cat-persons seriously angry. Although we at don’t like to take sides as we love all animals equally, we do recognize certain benefits of having a canine friend over those bouncy but sly little furballs that are cats. Let’s go over a few of them, one by one.
9 Instagram Dogs You Need To Follow
We all have Instagram guilty pleasures. Some people get on that food porn trip, others on something a little closer to actual porn… We certainly can’t deny having a little …
11 Dogs Whose Rain Game is on Point
The long cold winter is setting in, and we know that means one thing… rain, and lots of it! It’s time you dust off your rain coats, wellie boots, and …
10 Awesome Halloween Costume Ideas for Dogs
When it comes to Halloween costumes, there are as many for dogs as there are for people. Here are 10 ideas that’ll have your pup howling with delight. …
Dog & Baby Have Identical Reaction to Seeing Dad Come Home
Do you remember when dad coming home from work was the most exciting part of the day? Well, if it wasn’t exactly that for you, these guys sure do think it’s great!